Officially a Bachelor Graduate

Hello everybody,

today marks a big day for myself and especially for my academic career because this is the day I officially received my Bachelor degree in German Language and Art History.  I will graduate on Sunday the 30th of September 2018.
I am so happy right now and grateful for all of the good and bad experiences I made since the journey  of my student life started a few years ago. And I want you to know that there was a time when I thought I would not make it. I thought that I would not be able to succeed because I really struggled with my exams but in the end all the hard work was worth it. The saying "believe in yourself" is so true. You must believe in your strength and work for your success.

So from now on I feel like a different a more mature person than before because I made the experience that I can really achieve something if I do everything what it takes to reach that goal.
The other good thing having a B.A. means that I actually have time for this blog, which I wanted to start for so long. I am following some bloggers since a few months and I have always wanted to be part of this community.
So guys, here I am: a fresh blogger who is so ready for this blogging journey to begin!

Enjoy your evening everybody! I know that it is Tuesday however I need to celebrate a little bit so I will toss to myself  I am enjoying a glass of red wine.
Lots of love.


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